Indian entrepreneur Mutahir Showkat, has announced the launch of his new brand, RAGE GRAB, a fashion startup set to revolutionize the industry.
Mutahir, who is also the founder of Indian IT startup Chinar Media, has long been interested in the potential of the web-3 world and its intersection with the fashion industry. After years of analyzing the fashion industry, he found that there were many problems faced by individuals, small businesses, and startups alike.
“One of the biggest challenges in the fashion world is the lack of funds, platform, and direction,” said Mutahir. “There are so many young people who are interested in fashion, but they simply don’t have the resources or guidance to launch their own brands.”
That’s where RAGE GRAB comes in. The platform, set to launch in beta in August 2023, aims to be the all-in-one solution for the fashion world. It will provide a space for individuals and businesses to launch their own fashion stores, as well as connect the fashion industry with the web-3 world.
“We want to make it easy for anyone with a passion for fashion to get their start,” said Mutahir. “RAGE GRAB will be a game-changer for the industry, providing a platform for creativity and innovation to thrive.”
In addition to his work with RAGE GRAB, Mutahir is also a crypto enthusiast and has been involved in several web-3 startups. His passion for technology and fashion make him uniquely qualified to bring RAGE GRAB to life.
“I’m excited to see what the future holds for RAGE GRAB and the fashion industry,” said Mutahir. “We have big plans, and I can’t wait to see how our platform will help shape the future of fashion.”
With its innovative approach and focus on connecting the fashion world with the web-3 world, RAGE GRAB is set to be a revolutionary force in the industry.